I started my career as a chemical engineer developing pharmaceutical drug processes, and now train and coach sales teams around the world.
While my first job was with a great company and great people (many I'm still in touch with), it wasn't what I was meant to do. Neither was my 2nd or 3rd career.
Admitting I was not in the right place, and taking the risk of starting up another path, led me to eventually doing what I love and am meant to do.
And the TRUTH is that we are all capable of changing paths and learning new skills. Engineers can be great salespeople. Introverts can be great public speakers. Young people can be great leaders. Less young people can be tech savvy. It takes openness first of all, then hard work, coaching and support, and creating your luck.
For myself, it took a few paths, but if I won the big lottery, I'd still do what I do (perhaps with a few more assistants). 🙂